Saturday, July 9, 2011

How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Take a Gap Year

By Craig Abrahart

"No." That's not quite the answer you've been looking for, after thinking hard about taking a gap year, researching destinations, looking into the opportunities there for working and studying ... that "No" isn't not what you want to hear, is it? So here's how to change it into a resounding "Yes" ... whether you're trying to convince your parents to let you take that gap year, or you're a parent with reservations about it all.

Their main concerns about your gap year are likely to be about your safety. Letting your loved one go off alone to a foreign country is understandably scary for them, but there are a few things you can tell them to set their minds at ease. Firstly, they should know that their child will not be alone, more likely they will be in good company with loads of other gappers whose parents are probably equally worried about them.

Here's the "6P" rule: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevent Parental Prohibition. Let them get involved with your gap year planning so they can see there's no way you're going to end up stranded in the middle of nowhere without anywhere to stay, or - even worse - without money or a passport. Since they were your age, a whole industry has grown up around gap years, with many companies who specialise in setting up travel and work arrangements for gappers. It's big business, and those companies want to make sure they get it right. So let your parents watch over your shoulder as you do your research and planning - it'll give them the reassurance they need that you're not going to find yourself somewhere unpronounceable, broke, alone and desperate.

Another concern might be that your year out is just an excuse to go slacking off for 12 months in sunnier climes, and that it isn't really worth the cost. While its true that some people still see the gap year as the reserve of the well-to-do slacker, it can have huge benefits for your future prospects.

Many gappers, in fact, find themselves taking temporary jobs within the industry they're planning to work in on their return: not only does this go some way towards funding their travels, bit also, more importantly, it shows they've got the dedication (and independence) employers are looking for. For example, aspiring athletes, personal trainers or PE teachers can take a sports gap year abroad, playing or coaching their chosen sport, and come back with the kind of experience that makes their CV stand out from all the others.

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