Saturday, July 9, 2011

Four Common Mistakes Found In Web Designs

By Anthony Rogers

Owners of small enterprises rely on technology for product branding. In fact, it is only in the web when small businesses can look anything but small if only their websites have great web design. If you are a small company owner hoping to thrive online, it's important that you know the five mistakes to avoid when designing a website. Committing these web designing errors will weaken your competitive edge and thus make you lose your chance to take a strategic position in online market.

The first three common mistakes that web designers often make have to do with failing to achieve clarity on the website.

The Information Found In The Home Page Lacks Clarity. Does your home page clearly communicate what your website is all about? Do the people that visit your site instantly know what service you are providing? Or do they have to think about it for themselves? Do you have clear call to action statements on your home page? Online visitors are smart consumers but they are often in a rush. In fact, most of them are not readers; they just browse through the information on your website. So make your statement clear particularly on the home page.

Navigation. Website owners often forget the importance of keeping it fluid for the visitors. Your website should take your visitors to the exact page they are loading on their first attempt. This means how important fast loading speed really is.

Quality Of Web Content. Nobody wants to read a material that is poorly written. Never make a mistake on the basic of grammar on any page of your website. Take note that there's a big difference between copywriting and simple writing. Your is string words together to improve sales.

Making Use Irrelevant Of Colors In The Home Page. Colors and themes are important visuals that when properly used help achieve emphasis. You can pick up inspirations from the websites you admire and even from your competitors as long as they apply to your website. Professional web designers can help you choose the right color and contrast to use.

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