Saturday, July 9, 2011

Car Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles - Information about Driving in the Snow

By Nikki Shields

Are you happy you retained a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles? Are you and your loved ones planning for a weekend holiday at Big Bear? Is your family thrilled to go snow skiing, sledding and snowboarding? Are you worried that your vehicle might not be fitted to drive in the snow? Are you partially relief that you hired a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles? Well, you are in luck! This article will supply important details about driving in the snow.

Driving in the snow can often be risky. If your vehicle is not in good condition or maybe you do not change your driving tactics, you could be placing yourself and others in danger. The following will assist you to appropriately prepare your automobile and supply you with all the knowledge of the right way driving in the snow. Vehicles with the finest handling in snowy situations have electronic stability control, high ground clearance and a low center of gravity. Have your vehicle serviced before winter begins. Ask for precautionary maintenance and have the battery, windshield wipers and wheels checked.

Start with cleaning all the snow and ice from the vehicle's windshield, rear windowpane and side windows. If the snow is still falling, it is going to stick to any snow or ice that's left on the windows, obstructing your view. You may also get a ticket for restricted driving should you not take away the snow from your windows. Also clean the snow off the car's front lights, tail lights and license plate. Reduce speed when traveling in the snow. Most car accidents that occur on snowy, icy streets occur due to excessive speed. Use defensive driving tactics and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles on the road. Always drive 5 to 10 miles-per-hour slower than the suggested speed limit and start to brake at the very least 200 meters before approaching a traffic light that is moving from yellow to red or when approaching a stop sign.

It is advisable to drive through a yellow light which is changing than to press hard on the brake pedal and perhaps send the vehicle out of hand. Don't slam on the braking system. To slow or stop a vehicle when driving in the snow, tap the brakes or downshift. Maintaining your foot on the brake pedal increases your chances of losing control while driving in the snow. Sudden stops when driving in the snow furthermore puts you at increased chance of being rear-ended by another driver who cannot stop in time. Gain control of the vehicle if it starts to slip or continue moving while stopped. Put an automatic vehicle in the neutral position. This will allow you to regain control and push out of the slippery portion of road.

Now, that you understand the significance of having a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles and how to drive safely in the snow. Remember; it will always be safer to be prepared in case of emergencies. You will never know when you will require the most help possible. You just have to be ready and contact your car accident lawyer when the unavoidable takes place.

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