Sunday, July 10, 2011

Top Three Substitutions For Braces

By Adriana Noton

For generations children and adults have been getting braces. In the past, the only option available to those in need were traditional metal. While this classic style still exists, there are now several new alternative styles available. This is exciting for those individuals who are looking to try something different and get the same results.

These devices are made to straighten crooked, sideways, or misplaced teeth. Traditionally, each tooth would have a metal bracket cemented to the surface. The brackets held one or two metal wires that were threaded across the front portion of the teeth. Some patients also had to thread small rubber bands around the brackets. This classic style is still used around the world, however, there are now new styles and products to choose from.

Currently, time and technology have spurred numerous alternative options to the traditional metal format. One new option available is a product that is considered invisible. Rather than brackets and wires, this product is made from a heavy gauge plastic which is tailored to each individual.

First, a mold is made using the upper and lower teeth. Then the plastic is pored into the mold so it fits snugly. The product is then put in place like a tray on both the top and bottom. Every couple of weeks, a new cast is created and a new product is provided. Each new device pushes the teeth closer to their final destination.

This new product is quite popular. Like the traditional version, the patient can eat, drink, and speak with little interference. Many adults like this style because it is less noticeable at the workplace. This is a great new style, yet it is more expensive than metal. However, this should not be a deterrent. Most dentists have a variety of payment options available, and dental insurance often covers at least a portion of the cost.

Another alternative is made from ceramic. This style uses a ceramic bracket and wire that more closely matches the natural tooth color. While this products uses the same technology as the metal, the main advantage is that it is less noticeable than the metal. In fact, the ceramic can be tinted to match the patient's personal enamel. This option is great for people who are self-conscious.

For those patients who require more extensive work, there is still another option available. Patients that require the strength of the metal can now get them with individual clips. In essence, the bracket is still cemented to the tooth, but the metal wire and rubber bands are not necessary. For patients who are looking for a more natural appearance, this product is equally as effective as the standard metal.

Patients informed that they need braces should be excited at the variety that is now available. There are styles to fit most every need. Patients should simply discuss the options with their dentist to see which device is best suited for them. Once the details are worked out, they should be able to relax and enjoy the process that will lead them to a brighter smile.

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