Sunday, July 10, 2011

Basic Tips And Benefits Of Proposal Software To Save Time And Money

By Cameron David

When you are doing subcontract work for commercial general contractors, you will need to find ways to increase your chance of winning proposals. With planning and a template you can submit your bid more quickly and make it look professional. These are just a couple of the Benefits Of Proposal Software.

Subcontract bidding is a numbers game but that isn't all there is to it. If you're a small company you need to make the most of your time. Just getting the bid together can take more time than you have.

Most estimates are faxed. Since the quality of a document is diminished using this process, the better the quality is going in the better it will be coming out at the construction company's office. A well laid out template with typed information will be more legible than a handwritten copy.

Using a template will save you time and money. Time is saved by having a system that you can just plug in numbers. Phrases and exclusions can be set up to be included in all estimates. Your company heading, contact information, and license number can always be included. Having important information automatically included saves you from having to put it on the form or forgetting it all together.

Subcontractor estimates often include exclusions. These are important when you are submitting a price. Contracts will often include many items that are standard but may not be in your price. Having all exclusions listed on a bid gives you legal right to refuse doing them or being able to amend your offered price.

There are many different styles of templates that come in the packages. Pick one that has a simple format and presents your information is a straightforward manner. Also, look for one that will not crowd your information on one page. Conversely, make sure everything will fit and not looked cramped.

Play with font sizes and styles. Don't get too artsy or bold, but bring attention to your bid price. You can add a cover letter that introduces your company. On this letter you can list the completed jobs and the monetary amount of your projects. Highlight any jobs that you've already completed for a construction company to which you are submitting a new estimate.

The Benefits Of Proposal Software will only be truly recognized once you have it loaded on your computer and you're using it. In subcontract bidding, your time is your money. Let software increase your bottom line. Perform an online search to see the different types of templates available.

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