Monday, July 11, 2011

Getting Your Team Together

By Brett Wiggins

One of the aspects of network marketing is duplication. Building your network of people and teaching them what you are doing. Your team members becoming successful while helping others to be successful.

You want to share with others all the success that you have accomplished. No need to be agrressive and try and sell something to others but sharing in your product/service. Be a product of the product and be able to have a great story.

You don't want to focus on getting a bunch of people to use your products. You want to focus more on getting the serious people in, to use your product but to also get involved in the business side of things. Teach them exactly what you do.

Duplication is the biggest thing in network marketing. Creating friendships and relationships with others around you. You want to build a team right away, keep it simple and show them what you are doing. If you can keep the process simple then other people on your team will be able to do what you are doing.

You want to build up your team as fast as you can in the beginning. Set up different opportunities to meet others, like setting up coffee dates, sharing with them from your own home or maybe from their homes. Creating those relationships right away will help you become more successful faster.

In your process you become a leader but then you need to be able to teach others to become leaders and then more members of your team are helping in the the process, the journey.Your not doing all the work alone, your creating others to do what you do.

Ongoing training and personal growth id a huge factor in your network marketing business. Creating relationships with others and accepting that all people are different but pointing out all the good traits in individuals and using those specific traits to gain success in your business.

Show your appreciation towards others and give encouragement and gratitude to those who deserve and are working hard towards their goals. Look for opportunities to help each individual or each group that is looking to move forward and work hard at their success to come.

You as the leader to your team could be the difference between them sticking with the journey long enough to be successful and achieving their dreams or dropping out too soon and failing. Help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want.

Show by example and teach others what to do by doing these steps and goals everyday as well. Provide inspirations and vision for your team. Stay positive and push your team towards success each day.

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