Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bear Hoodie - A Trendy Attire For Everyone

By Xyza Reese

The hoodie is typically known as a favorite variant of the sweatshirt, which comes in several types of sizes and shapes. There are also several designs to the hoodie like pullovers, jumpers, cardigans. It is recognized that the sweatshirt can draw the perspiration from the body, which has been originally preserve from the British fisherman, who wore it to kept them dry and reasonably warm while working on their boats. Today, hoodies are used for fashion purposes and fashion statements. One of the most popular one are the "Bear Hoodies," which have been commonly utilized by ladies.

A great deal of personalities today are wearing bear hoodies to express their creative side. Bear hoodies and its offshoots sweatshirts attained mainstream popularity thanks to a number of popular 19th Century war time figures, the 7th Earl of Cardigan, James Brudnell (who led the famous charge of the Light Brigade) and Lord Raglan, Fitzroy Somerset.

The cardigan and raglan sleeve have been popularized by these gentlemen respectively, the wider raglan sleeves actually being created specifically for the one-armed Somerset who had misplaced his right arm in battle. Nonetheless the idea of the hoodie stretches back even further in time. Even though hoodies might now be more connected with an ASBO their religious predecessor is considered to have been worn by Catholic monks in the Middle Ages. Their formal outfits was comprised of a standard baggy tunic and a cowl, or long hood, to hide their heads.

The modern day version of the hoodie was developed much later in the 1930's by Champion Sportswear for those labouring in the cold warehouses of America. Well-known designers such as Claire McCardell helped ensure its entry into the mainstream fashion world by creating whole ranges around the concept of the hooded sweatshirt.

The clothes only took off forty years later although with the growing status of hip-hop culture and its ubiquitous presence in the immensely influential Rocky films of the 70's.

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