Thursday, August 16, 2012

Improve Your Herbalife International Profits

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Herbalife International reps: Are you looking to become a top earner? If so, keep reading.

If you seek to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

You absolutely need to learn the #1 skill of all top earners: marketing to massive numbers of people at a time.

Here are 3 ways top earners dominate today:

- Add Affiliate Revenue To Your Business

You earn a commission whenever you sell an affiliate product. Sell affiliate products, such as ebooks, instructional courses and membership sites that teach network marketers business skills. Affiliate marketing creates several advantages for your Herbalife International business.

Second, people who have purchased something from you before are MUCH more likely than typical prospects to become interested in your Herbalife International business. These prospects have signaled a willingness to pull out a credit card and buy, not just browse.

Whether or not they're interested in Herbalife International is a non-issue. You earn commissions from the large percentage of prospects who choose not to join your Herbalife International business. Marketing affiliate products is a simple money maker.

Some affiliate products are recurring sales, such as membership websites. Monthly residual income from affiliate commission can help keep you cash flow positive while you build your downline. Promoting affiliate products is a good way to differentiate yourself from other marketers. You are not going to be one of the numerous network marketers who lead with hard sell of their opportunity. You'll seem like an authority and valuable guide, not just a promoter. By leading with the promotion of affiliate products, you will sponsor a lot of people into Herbalife International.

- Warm Your List of Leads

Make sure you warm up the Herbalife International leads you attract online. People on the Internet only buy from those they know, like and trust. To win the trust of your Herbalife International prospects, position yourself as a credible authority.

Create and promote blog posts, videos and articles that teach critical network marketing skills. Sending out free instructional content warms your leads by positioning you as someone who can help them. One of the best ways to warm your list is to use videos. Somebody who sees, hears and learns from your videos is someone who will tend to feel like they know you a bit.

An excellent way to warm your list is to call your leads and connect with people personally. Just be real on the phone and assess what your prospects are seeking. Send an email to your prospects every day. Frequent contact cultivates familiarity and trust.

Warming your relationship with prospects will distinguish you from the pack. You'll sell a lot more affiliate products and sponsor more people into Herbalife International after you've warmed your list.

- Use Email As An Additional Follow Up Strategy

It's important that you call your Herbalife International prospects very soon after you've generated the lead. Ask questions to obtain a sense of what your prospect is searching for.|Listen more than you speak. Question the prospect about what it is they're looking for.|Don't talk too much. Instead ask questions and listen to learn what issues and challenges the prospect is facing in his business.|Rather than explaining or talking a lot, simply ask questions about what the prospect is seeking. Listen. Figure out if the prospect is even a fit for your Herbalife International opportunity.

Instead of just following up with people over the phone, also use automated email follow. In each email, teach your prospects a method or strategy to assist them build their business.

Teach about lead generation, recruiting and retention tactics, or any other pertinent topics. Include a call to action in each email that directs people to the next stage in your sales process for Herbalife International.

Email follow up:

- Serves to complement, but not replace, following up by phone

- Puts your marketing message in front of prospects while you do other things

- Gives you a chance to create and deliver a high caliber message about Herbalife International, every time

Make use of an autoresponder such as Aweber, a service which automatically sends your emails on your behalf every day.

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