Friday, July 1, 2011

Proactive Ways Of Dealing With A Student's Learning Problems

By Cindy Carey

For the most part of their careers, teachers as well as tutors handle students whose abilities and skills vary. There are several factors that influence how students cope with the lessons, how they interact with their classmates and how they perform during class discussions. Modification of teaching methods in terms of the learning and adaptive abilities of every student is thereby important.

A teacher can proactively deal with these challenges by first determining students learning-related problems as well as reassessing their skills. The following are some of the common learning and teaching-related problems:

Dead time nurtures boredom - Some students are fast in accomplishing a particular task while others spend a great deal of time finishing a seatwork. It depends on how easy or difficult the given task is for them. There is a tendency for fast learners to feel bored and sometimes unease with the class pace. While those in the slower group tend to be more pressured and later on exhausted doing the given task.

Lack of motivation results in disruption - Students who are frequently unoccupied and bothered by boredom tend to lose their interest in the lessons. While the slow learners are vulnerable to losing their determination to finish a given task. A teacher can overcome this teaching problem by utilizing the reward system not only for the top achievers but also for slow learners' small accomplishments. Words of encouragement like giving praises can make a difference.

Teachers' adaptability - Teachers dealing with bright pupils and slow learners ought to apply methods that are suitable to the learning spectrum of their students. Preparing special works or activities are time consuming, however. Teachers are also expected to be flexible in terms of the language they choose for their teaching instructions. Both parties must understand the language chosen.

Familiarizing these problems enables every teacher to set clear, appropriate and realizable learning objectives. Moreover, it allows every educator to improve, modify and develop teaching and learning instructions.

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