Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Video Talk Reviews

By Ginger Taylor

There are several relatively new video marketing products and services currently available, some of these could be seen as very worthwhile. Some are evidently thought very well of by their clients and have been growing. A very few of these have all their indicators moving in the right directions; popularity, growth and client loyalty. Amongst the relatively new services to choose from that offer video marketing services, there's a popular newcomer named My Video Talk.

The leader and power behind this expanding outfit is Team Effort International. The company has been around for years but is very new to the United States.

What My Video Talk provides to its increasing group of clients is state-of-the-art video communication platforms. These platforms include fully customizable video email, live video broadcasting, webshows, and video channels displaying your brand. What this means is you are able to design the look of all of the products and services you get from My Video Talk. Being able to customize for any business is vital. This keeps your brand message as the focal point and not your competition or any 3rd party advertisements.

Let me explain about each of those capabilities in turn.

MyVideoDesigner allows you to create beautiful and compelling video emails in minutes - you don't need to be a programmer or designer.

MyVideoBroadcaster lets you run live video presentations and meetings to anyone in the world in a virtual room full of people interacting with one another.

MyVideoChannel is your own private video channel on the web to showcase your content.

The only real bad thing that I've discovered with the My Video Talk service is you have to make your own branding or hire someone to produce it for you if you don't already have a brand look for your business. This is probably more of an issue for people just starting a business. Most established business owners are able to plug right into the system with no issues.

Summing up, My Video Talk provides a fantastic service that its clients love, partially for its great features.

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