Friday, July 1, 2011

Materials Used In A Modular Tactical Vest

By Francisca Avila

Being a soldier and in the front line is not easy. Especially if you have a family, safety is your number one concern. Thanks to modern technology, there is now a modular tactical vest that can provide extra protection to soldiers inn the battlefield. This armor is one great way to stop bullets from piercing the body.

Used by the US Army, this armor provides protection to soldiers from possible dangers. Since it has been upgraded and revised, this offer more protection and is much better to carry around due to even weight distribution. It covers a wider part of the body such as the back, side and shoulders.

Protecting troops with this armor is very important. They are the ones fighting for freedom and therefore it is just logical that they be given the right protection through proper equipment. The United States Marine Corps have already made the decision to use this kind of protection among its troops for better protection.

Tactical vests approximately weighs 30 pounds and is used to replaced the old armor called interceptor armor. Although the MTV weighs more than the old version, its weight is evenly distributed making it more easy to move around.

This type of armor provides the protection needed by the user as it contains materials effective enough to stop a bullet. A durable fabric known as Kevlar is being used and integrated on the armor. Kevlar helps stop a bullet dead on its tracks. Not only it protects the user from bullets, but it also protects them from any shrapnel. Explosions can cause flying debris that is damaging to the body. However, with the help of the vest it can slow down its speed and eventually stop it.

Another component that is put inside the equipment is called ceramic plates. SAPI or small arms protective inserts are used so that larger bullets cannot penetrate it. Giving maximum protection to the wearer. It minimizes the bullet's impact and distribute its energy. The inserts are a very useful addition to the vests giving a satisfying solution to the user.

With many benefits it can offer, it is just very wise for government to supply this kind of protection to the troops. One benefit that it provides is that it is very easy to release the vest. In cases of emergencies, one can easily just pull a strap and release the armor.

The modular tactical vest has been a very effective equipment used in protecting troops. The safety of the troops should be given priority given the fact that they are sacrificing their lives for the country. Using this armor could be the biggest advantage our troops have.

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