Sunday, July 3, 2011

An Explanation of Windows Reseller Web Hosting

By Rob Sanchez

If you're looking for a web hosting service that is completely dedicated to the Windows operating system, consider getting a Windows reseller web hosting package. Windows web hosting makes it easy to manage your hosting services because everything is made so easy, including the GUI interface, navigation, control and even the knowledge base. If an owner decides to sell off in the future, a Window reseller web hosting package can help the admin improve the existing structure. Packages designed for Windows reseller web hosting provide support for virtually any Windows-based application. Support is also included for a variety of different servers, including PERL, ASP.NET, ASP, MySQL, MS ACCESS and MS SQL. Windows web hosting plans for resellers are suitable for any size business, whether it's small, medium or large.

These web hosting services offer a tremendous number of benefits that are all packaged into a single unit that's easy to use and economical. For example, some of the exciting features provided by a reseller Windows web hosting plan include numerous free tools, maintenance-free operation, the ability to host websites of different kinds, an increased degree of flexibility, and web server administration. Prices can be customized and the start-up cost for all of this is quite low, so this type of web hosting can definitely help you cut your costs. All of the Windows web hosting plans for resellers are dedicated to Windows and furnish plenty of features, including online signup scripts, customized links, customized hosting plans, and maintenance of your customer base via HELM.

A diverse number of features are included in reseller Windows web hosting services and they provide many benefits. For example, there are several e-commerce options and data backups are adequate. The control panel is HELM and there is 24/7 network monitoring. Email boxes and subdomains are unlimited. The web hosting even provides spam protection and the ability to make MX Record modifications. Disk storage is redundant to prevent overburdening. UPS is included, so there will be an uninterrupted power backup. Microsoft FrontPage extensions are also part of a Windows web hosting package for resellers. Other features included in these web hosting plans are web-based or personal CGI-bin based.

Windows reseller web hosting services revolve around providing good hosting services so that all applications that are Windows based are able to operate well. The hosting services ensure that multiple applications can effortlessly be hosted on the common server and then given back at a reasonable price when the usage is over.

The services provide the user with a lot of web space and bandwidth apart from a certain number of domains that can be operated upon.
Windows web hosting reseller services envelope all aspects of the Windows Operating System has packages the services in such a manner that web hosting starts looking uncomplicated. The administrator to whom the web hosting services are delivered is a given a control panel through which the paraphernalia of applications can be operated and since all the applications tend to be written through open source code, it becomes even more effortless to handle them and change their structures according to convenience.

Windows reseller web hosting plans give clients complete control over the management of Windows-based applications, and monitoring their performance becomes much less time-consuming. When many applications are running simultaneously on the server, a Windows web hosting reseller plan is essential.

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