Sunday, July 10, 2011

Add Internet marketing To your Marketing Mix

By Bob Reehal

The importance of internet marketing is continuing to expand. Surveys of all kinds show a significant shift in traditional marketing budgets to dollars being spent online to market all kinds of goods and services.

Internet marketing Defined.

Internet marketing is the use of the web to advertise and market products and services. Within the definition of Internet marketing you'll find mention of pay per click advertising, banner ads, e-mail marketing, search engine marketing (such as search engine optimization), blog marketing, and article marketing. Each of these subject areas is essential to consider prior to planning your internet marketing strategy.

Internet marketing Offers Many Benefits.

There are many benefits to having a fully executable internet marketing technique. These benefits include measurability, flexibility, and affordability. Numerous internet marketing tactics provide marketing experts with the ability to customer acquisition costs. Furthermore, marketing professionals are better able to track what marketing campaigns are working and rapidly set aside their spending towards higher producing media placements.

Internet marketing Tactics.

As the Internet has expanded, so have the possibilities for marketing online. Here we'll take a brief look at each type of Internet marketing and explain the benefits of each.

1. Pay-per-click Advertising. Websites such as Google offer pay-per-click advertising for anyone thinking about getting their message in front of the right segment or potential purchaser. This method is highly targeted and provides one of the best and most popular types of internet marketing. Marketers using pay-per-click advertising only pay a fee, based on the competitiveness of a keyword or ad title, when a link is clicked on.

2. Banner Ads. Once the king of Internet marketing, online banner ads have evolved to include animated and flash banners, but the premise stays largely the same. Marketers purchase a specified number of impressions to run on a single website or network of sites and are generally not guaranteed a particular number of clicks.

3. Email Marketing. Effective among current customers and prospective customers who have requested info form your company, e-mail advertising is a well established means to talk and marketing your products. Nevertheless, bear in mind of CAN-SPAM requirements and contact preferences of those you intend to reach.

4. Search Engine Marketing. If you want web browsers to visit your website, than focusing on search engine optimization and search engine marketing is a must. No Internet marketing plan is complete without ensuring that your site is submitted and included on major directories such as Google, Yahoo!, and DMOZ. The dollars spent on Search Engine Marketing of any type will pay huge returns.

5. Blog Marketing. Getting mention of your website or info related to your products can quickly scale if you're able to successfully tap into the countless blogs which are being created daily. It is crucial that you focus your efforts on blogs covering topics relevant to your product or service offering.

6. Article Marketing. One of the most significant areas of Internet marketing, is to improve the link popularity to your website and enhance the awareness of your product or service offering. To do so, many companies are focusing on publishing valuable content and making available for other to publish to their website's.

Irrespective of the Internet marketing tactics you choose, be sure to consider an integrated marketing technique. Be sure that your internet marketing includes a specific objective and is supported with a defined strategy and budget. Finally, make sure to pick up a book, conduct some research, or work with professionals to boost your Internet marketing know-how.

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