Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to Rent a Good Mailing List

By Lupe Clayton

Every Internet marketer knows that the money lies in the list; having access to a targeted email list of subscribers is pure gold if used the right way. Of course one of the biggest hurdles that you will have to overcome when you build your email list is time; you need to spend months and sometimes even years building and nurturing an email list before it will start to give you results. What would you do if you wanted to find a better solution? You can rent a list! It's true, the main solution for building problems for mailing lists is to rent one instead--this is a practice that has been going on for ages now. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you rent an email list for your own online business...

Before you jump head first into selecting the perfect little email list, just be sure that it has been kissed by Can-SPAM. This is very important because you do not want to start on a campaign and end up in trouble. Being accused of sending spam can have some really bad effects. So, make sure that you help keep your business from these types of spam accusations. Scrutinize the site of the person who is selling you the email list and see if you can find a privacy policy. This is so that you have made the correct decision before you move on.

When you are looking for an email list, try to find one that is narrowed down. Simply put, you will have better luck with a list that is targeted. This is because you will have a chance to create an email campaign that targets the needs of your prospective customers. The response that you get from your email promotions depends on how well the list identifies with the offer that you're sending out. Sometimes getting a big list will work in your favor. But, a list that is too broad will do more harm than good. Sadly enough, this will lower your return on investment tremendously.

Lastly, only go for a confirmed email list where the recipients have personally confirmed their email addresses. One time opt in lists are famous for having plenty of bad email addresses. Avoid all email lists that are not confirmed, even if you hit the jackpot and it is large. Do not forget this if you really want to get replies and want to see a return on your investment during your email marketing campaigns. Taking this one factor into consideration can save you a lot of headache and help you make each of your campaign successful. After all, you need this to help your business grow. You have to look at every situation in order to become profitable and build up your business.

There are numerous online marketers who know how to use email lists to their advantage for the purpose of getting rich. If you want to be doing the same thing, then you have to begin at some point. But, ensure that you are doing the right things instead of getting your list without researching them first. If you have never gotten a list in the past, then do your research and expect to see a few setbacks every so often. You really should not worry about much, if you don't try to do too much at one time in the beginning and are only testing things out for a while.

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