Saturday, May 19, 2012

31Gifts Top Earner Secrets Revealed: Improve Your 31Gifts Profits

By Eduardo Kooliantra

31Gifts distributors: Do you want to know what it takes to become a top earner?

If you seek to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business..

You've got to learn to acquire customers and business partners the way nearly all legitimate businesses do: through marketing!

I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Market With A Blog

A very effective way to generate traffic and leads is to use a blog. A blog is a simple website where you can post written content you have created. Either create the content yourself, or pay someone to write articles for you. Writers usually charge about ten to fifteen dollars to write an original article.

The best blogging platform, Wordpress, is free to install. It's designed for people without technical skills. A blog can help your 31Gifts succeed:

- Enhance Your Reputation: Use your blog as a platform to teach tactics and strategies other network marketers would find helpful to their business. Teaching enhances your credibility. A lot of your readers will begin to regard you as a trusted authority. Some will contact you to join your 31Gifts business.

- Website Traffic: By promoting your content using a few online tools, you can attract network marketers to it. When your blog appears in Google's search engine results, you will get free traffic to your blog.. Free traffic means free leads.

- Generate Leads: On your blog, provide a free training in written, video, or audio form. To receive the free bonus, visitors must provide their contact information. This is the easy, proven way to create leads from your free traffic.

Be ruthlessly consistent and blog every day. Keep your content interesting. Create a blog to generate leads for your business automatically.

- Sell Yourself First. Advertise Your Company Second.

If you want to promote 31Gifts on the Internet, understand people online aren't hunting for a new business like 31Gifts to start. They might not be aware of it, but they are actually seeking something different: Somebody who can guide them and lead them to success.

Distinguish yourself by promoting the value YOU bring to the situation. Do not simply lead with your business opportunity! Keep in mind, the internet is full of jacked up network marketers who want nothing more than to shout how terrific their company is. These are the people who drone on and on about how visionary the management team is, how great the comp plan is, and how revolutionary the products are. And these people miss the reality that almost nobody cares about that stuff.

Position yourself as a leader with value to deliver to the marketplace. Write articles and record short videos that teach network marketing skills. Many of your followers will look up to you as a leader. Some will approach YOU to join your 31Gifts business.

- Stand Out In Your Marketing

Some of your friends, family and associates will join your 31Gifts business just because they know you already. Promoting 31Gifts online has some very different qualities. Thousands of people online promote the same opportunity you represent.

What's different about you than all other 31Gifts distributors online? On the Internet, you have no choice but to stand out from everyone else. Your prospect must see a clear-cut reason to enroll with you and not somebody else.

You have to deliver something valuable above and beyond the business opportunity you represent. The most effective benefit you can provide is to teach your prospects tactics and strategies they can take advantage of to recruit more representatives or make more money.

Create blog posts, videos and emails that teach network marketers how to grow their businesses. Teaching others makes you stand out as a leader and not just a distributor. Instruction will get you noticed and you'll end up recruiting far more 31Gifts distributors.

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