Friday, November 9, 2012

Overlooking The Basics Of Making Money Online

By Russ Howe

If you're trying to learn how to make money online you will probably have encountered thousands of people trying to tell you how easy and quick it is. It probably seems like the instant solution to your problems, right? In today's article we're going to hit you with some truth.

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Full time dad Russ Howe explains how he was able to make money online despite starting with nothing.

I'm sure you could find ten people, maybe even one hundred, who would promise you riches if you joined their business and sat back. Affiliates and companies like that are everywhere. That's life. The truth, however, is far different.

The fact is you will become another failure statistic unless you get real with your business. Nobody can become your own boss for you. Always remember that. Like any industry, there will always be countless individuals or companies waiting to prey on the naive nature of others.

The three simple rules below will help you to cut out a lot of that junk and keep to reality when building your business.

* Set a long term goal for yourself.

* Do something you actually enjoy. It's your business, after all.

* You must do something, even if it's very little, to build your business every single day from now on. Most online marketers aren't silly, they're lazy. That's what separates the successful from the unsuccessful.

These steps go perfectly together. You see, to complete step three you will absolutely need to make sure you paid attention to step two, and to do either you're going to have to perform step one.

I've heard people saying they 'failed' to become their own boss. That's not true. They just quit. There is a big difference. There is nothing wrong with failing, but there is plenty wrong with quitting. Particularly if it's something you really want to do. Most affiliates are not serious enough, they like the idea of making money from home on auto pilot but dislike the reality that it doesn't just happen overnight.

If you are serious about working from home, whether it's with an established affiliate plan such as Empower Network or whether you literally want to see if you can take a hobby and develop it into a secondary income, the fact is the most important skill necessary is determination.

That makes it sound easy, of course, because if you ask anyone who has suddenly decided to do this they'll tell you that they are determined as hell. The truth is, however, you only discover how much you really want it once the novelty wears off.

Look at the real world for an example. Not everybody who sets out to create their own business actually succeeds. That's because not everybody has the stomach for self employment. It's a tough gig. But if you are trying to make money online the first rule is realizing the big secret - there is no 'secret formula'.

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