Friday, March 22, 2013

Would Cameron Phillips Be a Target of Collection Services?

By Rob Sutter

The one defining factors about Terminators, at least in most cases, is that they are set to destroy someone. They have certain targets and it's up to them to eliminate them, no matter what. Cameron Phillips, while very much the same kind of being, is programmed to be a protector, more specifically that of John Connor. In her efforts to keep Connor safe, though, she's caused quite a bit of damage and I think that collection services can be used to target her because of it.

Cameron's goal is clearly different from the other Terminators but she operates under a similar personality. She's been built with certain emotions and she won't exactly act like normal people would, as you could imagine. If she were speaking to a group of girls, you better believe that she would say "yes" to a girl hypothetically asking if she was fat. I think that Cameron's personality comes across as unfeeling at times but that's part of the way that she, as a Terminator, was built.

Cameron has the appearance of a normal female but her outside is very much different from her Terminator-like inside. She is, in essence, a machine an she will fight just about anyone who decides to impede her goal of protecting John Connor. No matter who she has gone up against in combat, she has always come out as the victor. Her technology is great, as are her powers, though I feel like she's been caught in her fair share of trouble quite a number of times.

Cameron is easily classified as a hero in the story but the idea that collection services can target her may not work in her favor. She fights well but sometimes she forgets that her surroundings aren't always going to match up with her power, making matters difficult as she blasts through them. I think that any business owner would be turned off by the establishment being taken apart in the physical sense. This is where I would see strong firms such as R.R.S. offering up their services.

Cameron's goal, along with protecting Connor, is being able to fit in with normal society despite the fact that she is anything but human. She has the strength of ten humans, at least, but that along with her cold personality would not make the most wanted friend in the world. More than anything else, though, she seems to lack any kind of regard for the world around her. If she doesn't want to be approached with collection services, or any other aspects of collectors for that matter, he has to pay better attention to the world.

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