Saturday, April 27, 2013

Facets Of Florida Surveying And Mapping Today

By Janelle Burnett

Fundamental to the planned growth, stability, prosperity, and use of any region is detailed information about the land upon which this development depends. We can all learn from the unfortunate secrets of the Love Canal, when houses were built atop uneasy landfill which eventually sent toxins into owners. Cartographic research today has changed dramatically from the days of paper maps and sextons. Today, new technologies expand upon an older group of tools and make many more details possible. Florida surveying and mapping are modern activities which have a long history in navigation and land use.

Specialized technicians assist surveyors and cartographers in collecting data and charting the varied surfaces of the earth. They will visit sites to measure and then use geographic data to create useful maps which are then linked in to other detailed documents, photographs or data visualizations. Global information systems software is helping geographers, scientists, ecologists and planners develop skilled maps of locations based upon numerous pieces of information.

made for many reasons, maps provide information which cannot be constructed in a haphazard way. Detail is extremely vital to the proper reading and purpose of most maps. This information is gathered and put into maps depending on the client's needs. All manner of data sets can be employed from natural to artificial data, history, patterns.

Other maps can be made locally to include specific types of vegetation such as grasses, forests, or tidal plants. Water can be measured and depicted. How disasters work is an increasingly necessary science given what we need to see of the land after a disaster and how this can help protect people in the future.

cartography thus provides essential use and historical data, such as presence of mine shafts, historic buildings, native shrines, graveyards and buried shelters. These pieces of history will then inflect decision making about the land. Geographical information soft wares provide usefully annotated layers for information. These can be linked to satellite photos, documents, photographs and works of scholarship. There are several prestigious prizes awarded in land surveying and cartography each year.

many companies do cartography.with new technologies maps are more sophisticated. Old maps were slow to produce. Map rooms with rolls of cloth and paper maps are the library of the past. Today, a company will access an open source data base, start with ground maps and build upon them using new tools such as satellite photography and mobile measuring. All phases of map development can be coordinated with the needs of development including location-based annotation and coordinates.

Cartographic research provides the client, town, or government with information on the behavior of land in relation to patterns. Maps are used in environmental studies, policing, planning. Urban and regional planners have utilized maps to determine their designs. Questions are: who is the reader and what will the map be used for? the map may also make a great investment. Information can be tailored to the client's full needs in terms of time spent and finalizing the data.

florida surveying and mapping is a science that is ancient. Maps have proven critical to navigation, architecture, environmentalism, and many other fields. Accuracy is critical, but so is the level of information required to get the job done.

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