Sunday, July 15, 2012

How To Build A Low Cost Home Gym

By Daron Ourth

Another requirement for your personal gym is a treadmill. You do not need to invest a fortune into getting yourself a heavy duty treadmill that you will find in commercial gyms. All you require is a treadmill that will provide you with basic speeds and last you long enough. Also, a treadmill does not need to be sturdy or have any extras such as inclination control, multiple speeds, heartbeat sensors and distance sensors etc. for use at home. The purpose of a treadmill is to give you a daily cardiovascular workout before you move on to weights training. It is suppose to simulate jogging and running outdoors. Thus, it serves no other purpose than to increase your stamina and fitness. Stair steppers are an alternative to treadmills. These simple devices simulate the climbing of steps. They are not only great for your fitness but also strengthen your calf and thigh muscles. Read more home gym reviews now.

There is a reason why some of the fittest people on the planet use bodyweight conditioning exercises. People such as the navy seals who are arguably the perfect combination of performance and looking fit and healthy. They have to be. Using the right bodyweight exercises will help you improve your body, and save money. Thats a win-win.

For the more experienced, the Powertec WB-LS Workbench Levergym has more appeal. More strength routines can be performed, such as Shrug, Shoulder Press and Squat. It can also handle greater weight. The Lever Press Arm can take a maximum of 500 lbs while the Lat Pulldown can take 300 lbs. Unlike the Compact Gym above, the WB-LS Levergym belongs to the Workbench series from Powertec. This means that the gym has been designed so that optional stations can be added. You can easily fit Pec Fly, Leg Press, Curl and Dip Machine stations - all made by Powertec. You can start out with the Levergym and add more stations over time - a great idea and something lacking in other home gyms currently being sold.

Now that you've considered these and other questions, it's time to actually purchase your equipment. Are you familiar with all the options available to you? Do you have any knowledge of the hundreds of brands that are out there? If not, you might want to consider running background checks on various consumer web sites. Make sure you receive a more-than-adequate warranty along with your purchase. A simple fly-by-night warranty might be okay for the purchase of that TV remote control, but given the enormous finances involved in equipping a home gym-and the strenuous use of equipment-make sure that you don't come out short-changed.

Regardless of what you want for home gym fitness equipment, the big factor is always going to be money. How much can you afford? Do you actually want to pay out the cash required to get a universal gym, a treadmill, a climber? Often times the answer is yes. This is because these pieces of equipment can offer you so much in the way of a healthy lifestyle. However, if the larger items are out of the question for now, or you don't have room for them, smaller equipment can still make a big impact. Free weights are great for small areas, as are compact steppers and bikes. The main idea is to get some exercise equipment to get yourself moving. The rest will follow.

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