Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is Fashion Bad For Children?

By Margeret Neely Johnson

Currently lobbyists are attempting to enforce govt policy on the marketing of attire to kids less than 7 years of age. Recently one famous high st store in the United Kingdom came under fire for selling stockings, and racy clothes to children. The things were quickly taken of the shelves, but how did they even make it there in the 1st place?

There needs to be laws in this area as many companies will adopt sneaky search engine marketing procedures to sell their goods on the web. I was surprised for instance to see soft high heels with a leopard skin print on them made available for children.

I believed how intense to be sexualizing children, there are a few things not right about this. Youngsters nowadays are under way too much pressure to grow up fast. They are running around with Blackberries at the age of 11. What is wrong with talking head to head or with a house telephone?

Being young myself once I was in an extraordinary hurry to reach adulthood. The pressure from magazines and peers to have a sexual relationship and dress what we presumed adults looked like was immense. That is when I was 14 years of age.

Now children are going thru this in a number of cases at the age of 7. From what I've seen in my area the standard age for this to occur is at 11 years of age. Or once kids reach secondary education. I've seen children in my area wearing full-on make up and having boyfriends and girlfriends at the age of 11. They are even talking about being in love.

I'll be having none of this nonsense effect my children. I don't want them to grow up missing their infancy, and aching to be a kid once they grow up too swiftly. All of life's Problems materialize when adultness kicks in. That is the reason why kids should remain innocent, as they are going to grow up when the time is right.

The media and the fashion industry have their part to play in this area. Children's magazines should display children as they ought to be, and not dressed with disposition and trying to copy adults. The fashion industry shouldn't target adult clothing, or sexualized clothing at youngsters neither.

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