Monday, July 29, 2013

The Easiest Ways To Ensure That Your Home Based Business Or Affiliate Program Does Not Fail

By Russell Howe

If you were to read any Avon or Empower Network review today, you could be forgiven for believing that being your own boss on the internet is actually pretty easy. That's because it's tough to find legitimate information on internet marketing without merely finding sales pitches.

The latest statistics reveal that over ninety percent of entrepreneurs are unsuccessful.

Why is this? Well,there are four main reasons and they are shown below:

* Lack of knowledge on how to run a business.

* No support from those around you.

* Affiliates generally quit in the early stages of developing a business idea.

* Very little consistency when it comes to your marketing efforts.

Usually, if an affiliate marketer can take care of the four items on the list above then they greatly improve their chances of success with any home based business opportunity. The fact is, however, it's very rare for somebody to tackle all four items shown above. [
See how Russ Howe became established in empower network here.

Let's take a look at each rule in more depth:

* A lack of understanding on how to operate a business.

If you are like most affiliate marketers then you probably don't have experience of running a business in the real world. Many are getting involved in online businesses with zero previous experience and, as a result, they don't know what to do in order to get started.

* Lack of support from family and friends.

This is a common problem faced by every internet marketer. The moment you tell your circle of friends about your online ambitions they laugh at you and dismiss your opportunity as nothing more than a get rich quick scheme. Use this as motivation, rather than as a setback. They aren't trying to hold you back, they're trying to look out for you. Ultimately, of course, they would be happy for you to prove them wrong.

* General negativity when things don't work out quickly enough.

Most people who join online businesses are doing it for the wrong reasons. They believe they can achieve success easier just because it's based on the internet. These people end up wasting tons of money on joining new programs until they finally realize that success doesn't come easily in any industry. You can find them quitting program after program, month after month in a bid to find 'the secret' to making money online.

* Very few affiliates marketers are consistent with their efforts to build their brand.

Furthermore, if you only put in effort for a short period of time you can expect very few results. While it's easy to get motivated at the start of a new venture while you are excited by the possibility of working for yourself, it's the individuals who are still able to do this six months down the line who will reach success. While everybody says they are prepared to work at their business long-term, very few actually are.

Should you be able to eliminate the common issues shown above, then you will greatly enhance your ability to build an income with any home business. While opportunities like Empower Network and Mary Kay are very keen to show you the success stories they have made, they often don't talk about the lack of results which over 80% of their members are suffering from. These four steps will help you to topple these statistics.

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