Monday, February 25, 2013

Keeping Up With the Google Algorithm

By Norbert Higensen

Could many have predicted the drastic changes that Google Penguin and Panda caused in search results in 2012? Yes, people could have predicted the downfall of an impressive number of backlinks and duplicated content.

If you are a boss or in a leadership position at your job, you know that sexual harassment is illegal. All 50 states have anti-harassment laws that are in full working order.

To simplify, they are generally separated into 2 categories, external and internal. The external category includes everything to do with a company's clients.

Organize a meeting where the primary focus is to discuss your company's sexual harassment policy. Go into detail about a few different forms sexual harassment can take so your employees know what you mean when you talk about sexual harassment.

They're just now catching up to those that saw it coming and breezed through the experience, because they did something about it. These SEO engineers see search engines like Google does: as a resource to get real, helpful information easily. These engineers knew that excessive duplication of content with spammy backlinks didn't stand a chance as Google continued to improve. Too many imitation sites were taking the spotlight.

These could all have serious backlashes to your company's future. Why is it then, that some companies put their own "homeland security" at the bottom of their to-do list? Why don't they create their own Fort Knox of security to protect their privileged information? Hackers and thieves prey on the companies that think like this.

There are a few key places you can find them trying to penetrate. Here are just a few places a business can look to beef up their security. By and large, the internet is an extremely vulnerable place. Without a virtual body guard, the bullies will come, and sometimes they just do it for fun.

You obviously won't be able to catch all instances of sexual harassment by doing this, but it can help you be more in tune with what is happening in your work environment, and can help your employees to feel like they are safe and someone is looking after them. Another important thing to remember as the boss is that you should not brush off or diminish any complaints of sexual harassment.

Can you predict what these updates will do? Not very easily, but there are a few things you can do to ensure that they don't hurt you when they come. Spread your content like a normal human being. Build relationships with real people and get them to talk about you. Take advantage of social media platforms that are relevant to the audience you're speaking too.

Some phishers (people looking for privileged information) will call in pretending to be someone else. Other times, an unauthorized person may call in to cancel or enact an action that would harm the client. If your employees are not trained to catch these people, then clients could become the victims of the worst intentions. Protect your clients by providing things like FERPA training for your employees.

Create videos that give value to visitors. Comment on other social media to enter a conversation, not sell a product. The more you integrate into the web as a real person, the better quality your SEO will become. With the right SEO mindset, you'll find Google updating to keep up with you, not the other way around.

Appearing weak can sometimes encourage sexual harassment, as can dressing provocatively. Victims of sexual harassment should never be blamed for the harassment, but they should know of things they can do to try to prevent sexual harassment from happening to them.

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